Book Sales

My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.

In Serenity,

Scott    Email:

Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads ( Thanks for your support.

In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.

Sunday 8 July 2012

July 8

”The stars are constantly shining, but we often do not see them until the dark hours.”
Earl Riney

I know I am a natural at seeing the negative in myself and situations that I am in but have a much harder time trying to see the bright side. Yet I can readily do this for someone else. Some days I wonder why I can’t simply look in the mirror and do likewise; it would be a nice chance to follow my own advice.
The truth of the matter is that I spent too many years in my addiction, feeling less than. All the shame gave me the impression that I was broken, I was bad, and I was just built to do things wrong. That is a hard preconception of myself to change. I am learning, slowly, to find the positive, the strengths, talents and abilities that can be used to lead a better, healthier life. I feel less ashamed and putting a name to my issue has helped be to realize that I was not born flawed, not destined to be an addict. Rather I have the capacity to practice good moral behaviour, or less than desirable ones, yet it is a choice. My addiction negatively influenced my ability to make good decisions. Staying sober by working the program and reconnecting to my spiritual power will restore my capacity to make better decisions.
The good and the bad in me are always present. My goal in recovery is to use the tools to stay on the right path and to believe in the power greater than myself that can restore me to sanity.

Just for today I will focus on my strengths and not worry about my flaws. I can take pride in my talents and abilities.

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