Book Sales

My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.

In Serenity,

Scott    Email:

Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads ( Thanks for your support.

In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.

Thursday 27 September 2012

September 27

”Concentration is the secret of strength.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Temptation is usually strongest when I feel weak. The program mentions the HALT warning signs – Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. It’s quite true for me that those states are times when I feel more vulnerable. Each of these diminishes my ability to concentrate, to focus on using the tools of recovery rather than turning to my old tried and true behaviours. Being in any of those HALT moods saps my strength and opens cracks in my defence that my addict is always searching for.
I need to recognize those things that weaken my resolve. There are often simple ways for me to take care of myself to increase the odds in my favour. I need to ensure that I get enough rest, diffuse my anger through journaling or exercise, connect with others instead of isolating and maintain a balanced diet and avoid excess fast food and junk food.
My spiritual strength is also a big factor in my resilience to temptation. Seeing as how my addiction built a wall around my spiritual connections, ensuring I continue to pray, meditate, read spiritual literature and reflect on life are all healthy ways to ground myself. These too are affected when I neglect my basic needs. As the saying goes, First Things First. I need look after my physical body in order to take care of my emotional and spiritual selves.
I will pay attention to my basic needs. This is a fundamental step to help me focus on my emotional and spiritual well-being.

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