Book Sales

My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.

In Serenity,

Scott    Email:

Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads ( Thanks for your support.

In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

March 21

”And ever has it be known that love knows   not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
Khalil Gibran
There are many consequences that we have to face as a result of our behaviour. If we are in a relationship there is a likely chance that we have strained our interaction, whether or not the entire truth of our secret has come into the open. Regardless, many are faced with the decision to separate from their partner, at least temporarily to take stock of the situation, focus on recovery and remove ourselves from some of the day-to-day stresses. This is a personal decision; some members have been able to remain in their relationship and work their own recovery while simultaneously improving the couple. Some have had a temporary separation to at least put some physical distance between them, while for others a permanent separation was the only option for at least one of the parties involved. These are unfortunate but real results of our past actions and behaviours.
It is important to remember that we need to put our recovery first. If we do not remain sober, continually surrendering to our Higher Power, there is little hope in repairing the damage to any of our relationships.
I must be willing to follow whatever path is best for my own recovery, even if it means separation. I need to trust in my Higher Power.

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