”A successful man
is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”
How do I react to the criticisms of
others? What do I do with those who try to pull me down, discredit me, or
make me look bad? Do I retaliate? Do I cower and hide? Or is there another
I have spent much of my life lacking the
self-confidence to stand up for myself, to defend my values and beliefs, to
take charge when others have tried to bring me down. In truth, I believe that
this was due in part because I did not have a good relationship with myself,
nor with a Higher Power. Rather I lived letting others define who I was, how
I should act, and determine what role I was supposed to be playing.
Life in recovery has begun to show me that
there is another way to go through this world. Following the will of the God
of my understanding provides direction for my life. It also provides support
and helps me to ignore those who do not wish to see me succeed in life. I am
beginning to understand that much of that criticism comes from jealousy, envy
and others misfortune and not that of my own. People who are mean tend not be
well in their own lives and seek to put others down in attempt to make
themselves feel better. That is not how I choose to live. I can use that
negative energy targeted against me as proof that I am going in the right
reactions to how I am living can be as important as positive ones to
reinforce that I am doing the right thing. I need to also be cognizant of the
source of those reactions to determine what I should do with the feedback received.

These thoughts are part of my personal journal - reflections of where I am and have been in my recovery, but also where I want to be. My words come from my heart, and moments of clarity when I am best connected with my Higher Power. May God grant you serenity in reviewing my humble beginnings and my continuing path of recovery.
Book Sales
My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.
In Serenity,
Scott Email: sastewart74@gmail.com
Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21939460-lean-on-me)? Thanks for your support.
In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.
Saturday, 30 December 2017
December 30
Friday, 29 December 2017
December 29
” Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
The holiday season can be a particularly
difficult one. It has indeed been hard for me over the past several years,
for different reasons. Well, maybe not that different, many of my recent
Christmas’ have been challenging because my family has had significant
changes – some of those losses because of my separation and divorce, others
because of gains as I also remarried and created a blended family. Each
season of change brings with it unique aspects to adjust to and incorporate
into the “new normal.”
Through all of this, going with all my
heart has been an underlying goal, but certainly something more difficult as I
have dealt with losses. It is not always easy or obvious how to focus on all
the blessings and good things that remain in my life when something important
has been lost. Put another way, it’s hard to lead fully with my heart when I am
feeling heart-broken.
Maybe, in retrospect, I was there in those
moments with my all my heart, at least those parts which were still intact.
Perhaps this is another area where I need to be gentle with myself and accept
that my capacity for love, affection and full commitment to being present is
something that fluctuates given the circumstances I find myself in. My 100%
doesn’t always translate the same way, and that is okay.
It is
okay for my all to not been the same from day to day or season to season. I
will focus on being present to the best of my ability, just for today.
Thursday, 28 December 2017
December 28
”Just because fate
doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn't mean you should give up. It just
means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.”
Surrendering does not mean giving up. The
Steps are teaching me that surrendering my will to that of the God of my
understanding is about giving up on my ways which are not working and opening
myself up to the guidance and direction of my Spiritual Source which knows
better than me the path I should be taking. The only way for me to discover
that road is to stop, to ask for direction through prayer or conscious contact
with my Higher Power, and then listening through meditation and looking for
the signs of the way to proceed.
There is a heavy focus on accepting the
hand that life has dealt me and looking to make the best of the situations
that I find myself in. There is only so much I can do and only so much
influence that I can exert at any given time. I have to trust in my abilities
but also keeping in mind that I want to actively seek to do God’s will and
not my own. If I am consciously seeking Him then I will go right more often
than I go wrong.
I will always be human, and I’m not always
going to do things the right way, or let my ego get the better of me and be
selfish from time to time. This is a process, a path of seeking progress and
not perfection. The more I am consciously looking for the guidance of my
Source the easier it becomes. And my life goes in a better, healthier
direction as a result. I know my Higher Power never bluffs, so I will
continue along faithfully following His way.
have confidence that I can deal with whatever hand is dealt to me as long as
I remember to seek the will of my Higher Power.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
December 20
”Let your hopes, not
your hurts, shape your future.”
H. Schuller
As Shakespeare might have said, “Ay, there
lies the rub.” Of course Hamlet was speaking about life and death and his
choices to escape the pain. Then, again, maybe not so dissimilar to Mr.
Schuller’s quote. How is it that I can choose to lead my life, by my sorrow
and pain, or by my blessings and joy?
An outsider might question that musing by
asking if I have the power or ability to choose to have only blessings or
sorrow in my life. Yet that is not exactly the question I asked, which was
which do I choose to be led by? That implies a distinct difference, meaning
that I acknowledge I will have both hopes and hurts in life, but that I can
choose to focus on whichever I like.
Either can be a catalyst for shaping my
future. My hurts, I think, tend to lead me towards seeking justice, and
sometimes revenge. It is less about growth than trying to rectify the past.
In contrast, my hopes lead me towards goals, dreams and accomplishments.
These are often acts of creation and service to help better the world around
me. I can see how where I put my emphasis can have a big impact on my
decisions and actions. I think hoping is a much healthier and productive
future will be brighter if I focus on my hopes and dreams and take measures
towards fulfilling them.
Sunday, 17 December 2017
December 17
responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you
want to go, no one else.”
There are days where I find being responsible
for my life a great burden. Usually this is due to my doing the right things
and still having unpleasant things happen that I have little or no control
over. It’s not always easy to remember all the blessings I have when tragedy
strikes or when things I love are taken away. Life is not always fair.
So what helps – getting angry at my Higher
Power? Maybe for a brief moment. Pouting or getting depressed? Not really,
this takes me away from people in my life who care about me, including
myself. Writing, meditating, prayer or something else to allow myself to feel
the emotions I am feeling? This is often the most unnatural reaction, yet the
more I go here, the sooner I feel better.
Life happens, the good, bad and the ugly.
Most of life happens because of things I have absolutely no influence or
control over. That’s just the way it is. So why do I have to try and fix
everything all the time – it simply cannot be done, I am not God. It’s not my
place to make things better. So I am left to live through my part in it all,
make peace with my feelings, and take that next step forward, trusting in the
God of my understanding. But for the grace of God go I, sometimes slowly,
sometimes painfully, sometimes begrudgingly, but forward I will go.
for my life includes being responsible to accept my feelings and to temper my
reactions. I will be kind to myself when things are not going my way.
Saturday, 16 December 2017
December 16
”Part of being a
man is learning to take responsibility for your successes and for your
failures. You can’t go blaming others or being jealous. Seeing somebody
else’s success as your failure is a cancerous way to live.”
I do appreciate the discussion in Step 4
about resentment where we are called to focus on our part, however small, in
situations where we are holding something against someone else. This has been
helpful for me in two ways. The first, of course, has been in taking
responsibility for my own actions. This was certainly something I shrunk away
from during my life, especially during my periods of active addiction.
The second way, and perhaps more important
way, is realizing that I am not responsible for how others have acted or
treated me. It is about coming to the realization that I have been holding on
to grudges which have had the result of allowing that situation or person to
keep power over me for a long time. This awareness leads to the conclusion
that only I can let go of those issues from my past to grant me freedom.
This is a large component of my work in
recovery, to regain power where I have given it away. It is about recognizing
where I have made mistakes, seeking forgiveness and making amends. It is
about turning over what others have done to my Higher Power with the realization
that I am powerless to change them.
will work on acknowledging my part in situations of the past, and giving back
responsibility to those who have wronged me in return.
Friday, 15 December 2017
December 15
”The most useful
piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.”
I once heard a fairly well-known celebrity
remark on how his best introduction had been a time when the emcee had made a
list of all the things that he was not. It seems a bit counter-intuitive, but
then again so is the idea that we need to sometimes spend more time focused
on unlearning things than being taught something new.
I do see a strong relationship between
this concept and Steps 6 and 7. Recognizing my character defects, becoming
willing to let them go, and then asking my Higher Power to remove them is
really an unlearning process. It is a housekeeping chore of getting rid of my
old, unwanted, deteriorated and less useful attitudes, behaviours and
beliefs. I need to make space in my life and my world before I can really
focus on new ways of living.
I am continually seeing how the Steps are
a process of learning about myself so that I can get out of the way of my own
self-centered ideas and actions. It’s about gaining the awareness that I need
to surrender so that I am able to follow the will of my Higher Power. It’s
taking the time to slow down, and stop to listen so that I can see the signs
and hear the quiet voice of God directing my life His way. This is the power
of my program.
I will be cognizant of old patterns of thought and behaviours that I need to
unlearn in order make space for better ways to be me.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
December 3
”Plenty of people
miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because
they didn't stop to enjoy it.”
It is true that there are certain times of
the year that have been inherently more difficult than others. Holidays,
birthdays, and other special dates take on a new flavour with changes to
relationships, new family dynamics, and a sense of grief and loss. I have had
to come to terms with my new reality, more than once, and then find a way to
accept this and the impact it has on such significant events.
It is not always easy. Getting into the
Christmas spirit, for example, is not something I feel like doing when I
think about what has been lost, how things are not the same. I have to find
the strength and the courage to focus on what I still have, and to realize
that I still deserve to find happiness today, no matter what the situation
There is a great deal of truth in the fact
that I need to choose to find happiness within, because if my only sources of
happiness are things which are external, well many of things are also
temporary. That is not a recipe for long-lasting joy. This is a great
parallel to my serenity and sobriety. I am not sustained by external things,
by my strengthening my connection to my internal powers, my Source or Higher
Power, and my sense of self. These are the aspects which will always be
there; I only need to focus my energy on them. Joy to the world, I will let
my light shine from within.
I feel unhappy or at odds with the world today, I will slow down, breathe and
remember that my true source of happiness and joy lies within me.