Book Sales

My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.

In Serenity,

Scott    Email:

Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads ( Thanks for your support.

In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

August 7

”Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”
Robert H. Schuller
They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Well, there are also cases where the opposite is true. Sometimes distance is a welcome visitor to help detach from people who have been poisonous in my life. And yet, even with the distance, small amounts of contact with those people from my past can bring those old wounds to the surface.
It’s in these moments that I need to be able to turn to my hopes, to reflect on all the progress and change that I have made. I could all t0o easily fall back into reflecting on my regrets and pain of the past. This serves me no useful purpose; it will only depress me and take me away from the present moment. I am worth so much more now and I owe it to myself and the good people in my life to stay positive and to concentrate on all the great things I have.
My hurts are there to fuel my transformation into the better person I have become. They can also shape my future, but my hopes are better suited to shape my goals and dreams. I have many things to be grateful for in my recovery and I look to find more each and every day. Life has become something to look forward to, and I am better able to move past the small hurts and reminders that threaten to disrupt my serenity. I am a bigger person than those petty arguments and spiteful words that can be thrown my way. I will stay on the good path.

Life can bring troubles yet I can decide to look past them and focus on the good things in my life. I have the power to choose to stay focused and positive.

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