”I am only one, but still I am one. I
cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do
the something I can do.”
Helen Keller
cannot be everything to everyone and still be faithful to myself and my
program of recovery. There are certain roles in my life that I cannot fulfill
as much as I want. This can be due to the places where I have damaged
relationships or where I am simply not wanted or needed. It can be hard to
face rejection…for me it is difficult. Yet being turned away does not mean
that there are no other places where I am wanted and needed. When faced with
rejection I need to be able to focus my energy and efforts where I know I can
have an impact.
Serenity Prayer is so simple in words yet so encompassing in terms of all we
encounter in daily life. I find new meaning and new places where it applies
nearly every day. It is one of the greatest guiding principles that I use to
stay on track during my journey of recovery.
grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the
things I can and wisdom to know the difference – I surrender those things I cannot
change, pray for the strength to change what I can (mostly myself), and ask
for the guidance to know which is which. Whenever one door closes, help me
find the others that, by your grace, remain open.
will look at rejection today as a way to refocus where my efforts are better
placed. I am still worthwhile and have a lot to give.

These thoughts are part of my personal journal - reflections of where I am and have been in my recovery, but also where I want to be. My words come from my heart, and moments of clarity when I am best connected with my Higher Power. May God grant you serenity in reviewing my humble beginnings and my continuing path of recovery.
Book Sales
My first print run of 100 copies sold out, but I have had a second printing of an additional 250 copies done this year. So more are available, now at a cost of $20 CAD. My second book, Twelve Steps for Everyday Living, is now available for purchase for $15 CAD. It is my attempt, based on my experience and those who've been a part of my recovery journey, to transform the 12 Steps into a tool for anyone to use to navigate the challenges and trials of life.
In Serenity,
Scott Email: sastewart74@gmail.com
Review it? Do you have a copy and enjoy what you have read? Can you help me promote it by leaving a good review at Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21939460-lean-on-me)? Thanks for your support.
In other news, after a long debate and some peer pressure, I have started a second blog, along the same vein as Lean on Me, but in my second language. You can check it out here - Tomber dans l'appui.
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